Sunday, December 10, 2006

Just a reminder....

Today is the last day for the opportunity to write my final 2006 blog entry. The person that writes the entry that gets published will receive a NEW iPod Shuffle.

Thank you for all your entries. Every one has been special and I've truly enjoyed reading them!


Monday, November 20, 2006

Happy Birthday Blog!

                                              © 2006 Hadley Spagna Photography

                                              © 2006 Hadley Spagna Photography


Can you believe this blog is a year old already? Where does the time go?

Wow, what a busy season it has been! All those referrals are keeping my phone ringing and calendar full. THank you! I'll never neglect my clients, but I will neglect my blog. That's why you haven't heard from me in a while. My clients come first.

Your emails have been amazing. I had no idea so many people read this blog! As a result, I'm now feeling tremendous pressure to be witty and entertaining and am fearful of falling short. In fact, I've put so much pressure on myself to come up with a fantastic blog post, that for the longest time, I couldn't think of anything.

Celebrating this blogs First Birthday should involve a present, right? I'm having a tough time coming up with a witty and entertaining blog post, right? ::lightbulb illuminates over head:: Why not give away a birthday present to the person who can come up with a witty and entertaining blog post for me?

Yep, that's right. Write my next blog entry and get a birthday present!

What kind of present?

The new, adorable, portable iPod Shuffle? I want one!

                                              © 2006 Apple

Here're the nitty gritty details:

Who: You (you can be anyone who is reading this and can type a witty and entertaining blog entry)
What: A BRAND-E NEW Apple iPod Shuffle (love it!) shipped to you
When: Your blog post must be sent to me by 12/10/06. (Entries with photos get bonus points) It will be uploaded to my blog in December of 2006. The present receiver will be notified by 12/15/06.
Why: I'm not feeling witty and entertaining right now.
How: Send me your post via email

Do you have any questions? Send me an email.


Did you notice those adorable children at the top of this post? This family is so warm and welcoming. Somehow, (osmosis?) their home has the same qualities. As soon as I entered their home, I immediately felt like I had been there before. M felt like an old friend instantly. I could have stayed all day with this family (in fact, come to think about it, I did stay for snack time). Thank you dear M, for such a wonderful session!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Beauty Within

                                              © 2006 Hadley Spagna Photography

                                              © 2006 Hadley Spagna Photography

Reflecting on this session one thing came to mind: Beauty Within. This family radiates beauty. H and E are more than beautiful on the outside. They are gorgeous on the inside too. Just minutes after arriving to their home we were hanging out in the backyard having fun. The click of my camera's shutter was a helpful reminder that I was working.

R is talented beyond words with her ability to make her home welcoming to the soul and attractive to the eye. I learned that she practices Feng Shui. Now I've got yoga and feng shui on my to do list.

I have the coolest, most beautiful, fun and exciting clients. Thank you for selecting me to be your photographer!



Well, my Blog Reader Bonus has already been collected. Keep reading for a super Birthday Blog Bonus next month when the Hadley Spagna Photography Blog turns ONE! Yes, this blog will officially be one year old this November.

Check out my work in person this month in Borders on the Post Road in Fairfield. This is a great opportunity to see what my work looks like outside of a computer screen.



My weekends for 2006 have been booked for almost a month now. I have seven weekday appointments available this year. If you're pregnant and are due in November, December or January call me right away so I can get you on my calendar. January is already starting to fill up quickly.



Jack O' Booties. What else?

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Five, four, three, two, one...

                                              © 2006 Hadley Spagna Photography

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                                              © 2006 Hadley Spagna Photography
*** This is not my daughter, but Baby R looks just like her! It's an uncanny resemblance! ***

Sounds like a countdown, right? Well, those are the respective ages of the adorable cousins above. I've never seen a group of kids (never mind five kids five and under) that played as nicely and enjoyed each other's company as much as these kids. I arrived at my client's home prepared for what happens when my kids get together with their cousins ( i.e. packed some Excedrin in the camera bag). Can you believe I didn't need it? This is an amazing, special group of children. Not only are they close in age, but they all have a close relationship with one-another.

Leaving the shoot I was disappointed because I wanted to stay and take more photographs. The toughest part of this session was wanting to devote the whole session to each individual child. They're all so unique, and all so photogenic. I left (sans headache and) still wanting to take more photographs!



Since I'm almost completely booked for 2006, I've got to starting planning for next year. I'll be offering something new in 2007, but I'm not going to dish until 2007! (Okay, maybe December 2006.)

That's not the only new news! In the next few months I'll be unveiling a brand new, shiny website. I promise I'll keep the blog posted with updates.



How many times have you left the house and forgotten to pack a bib for the baby? If you're like me, you've done it once or twice (a week). Have you seen or heard of Kipiis? If not, click on Kipiis to visit their website. Kipiis are brightly colored adjustable clips that will turn a napkin, dishtowel, cloth diaper or any piece of fabric into a bib. I love these things!



Stop by the Fairfield Borders in October and check out my work in person! If you walk in the back door, you can check out some of my husband's work too. Yep, Neil and I are trying to take over Borders. Neil's my husband and a mortgage finance executive by day. By night, he's a sports writer. His first book, Welcome to Pottersville, is on the shelf so to speak. It's actually on a table. Be sure to check out that handsome headshot on the back!

The first person to email me with their favorite photograph from my October Border's display will get a brand new autographed copy of Welcome to Pottersville.



I've been keeping a secret from you guys. I walk under ladders, am not affected by black cats and don't toss salt over my shoulder when I spill it. When it comes to photography, I become superstitious. Black just so happens to be a staple in my wardrobe. Black's downfall is that, it absorbs light. So, you'll never see me wear black on a photo shoot. As a natural light photographer I feel absorbing any light is criminal! What will you see me wear? A white shirt and jeans. White is a great reflector! I felt obligated to share this for the people who have booked me 3 or more times this year and are probably thinking I only own one white tee shirt!


Wednesday, August 23, 2006

There's only one thing better than a shoot in my client's home...

                                              © 2006 Hadley Spagna Photography

                                              © 2006 Hadley Spagna Photography

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                                              © 2006 Hadley Spagna Photography

... it's a shoot in my client's summer home!

Traveling to this family's summer home in East Hampton was a breeze, but the photos from our shoot would have been worth the worst traffic that Route 27 could muster.

It was an early Saturday morning, and just us girls, Baby Girl, Mom, Grandma and Me. Shortly after I arrived I learned that our sweet little subject had a very early start to her day and had fallen back to sleep. I can't tell you how many babies get so excited for their big day that they decide to wake up at 4:30 in the morning! It was a wonderful opportunity to get to know Mom and Grandma a little better over a delicious cup of coffee.

Later, Mom led a tour of the home and our last room was Baby's. She woke up happy and was not concerned about having me in her room. Baby's sweet laid back and relaxed attitude coupled with her incredible good looks yielded some of my favorite photographs from this summer. Doesn't she look like a Gerber Baby? (Gerber, if you're reading this contact me and I'll pass your information along to her Mom. You don't want to let this one go!)

Here's what this Mom had to say after receiving her photographs:

"The photos came today!! They are UNBELIEVABLE!!!! Thank you so, so, so, so much! I can’t express just how happy we are with these photos. They brought tears to my eyes. You did an amazing job. I have already emailed ALL my friends with new babies, telling them they HAVE TO hire you. ... The 11x16 came out so beautiful I am handling it like it’s a Faberge egg – I don’t even know how to frame it. I know my mother is going to DIE when she gets her order – I am waiting for the day!
I look forward to many more photo sessions with you as [Baby] grows – you have spoiled us with your unique talent. I am so happy I found you!!"

I really liked this client before she wrote this email, but now I adore her! I love emails like this! I save them and re-read them when I'm doing a marathon proofing session.


Since we're on the topic of shooting in my clients' homes, I've been asked a lot lately why I love working in a home environment. Photographing people in their environment is the foundation of a successful shoot. No matter what your age, having your photograph taken is not always easy. Like a conversation, it is an exchange. Sometimes, the subject can feel vulnerable. As a subject, you can't see what the photographer sees. You're on the spot. Sheesh, even the name subject treats you like an outside party to the process. Any wrong move, and forever more it is captured on digital sensor (unless your photographer shoots film).

Working in my clients homes levels the playing field. My subjects are on their own turf. They've got an advantage. It gives them back some control. Allows them to be knowledgeable and most importantly comfortable. As a matter of fact, the last two clients that I talked out of doing beach shots had the most amazing homes and I loved the photographs from their sessions.

Children do not have the same exact concerns as adults (Did she capture my good side? I hope I didn't crinkle my eyes up too much...). However, they do have an awareness that someone is asking something great from them (sit still) and in return their only reward is the process. (well, their parents get photographs, but when have you heard of a 2 year old that really cares about finally get a decent picture of himself). It doesn't matter if I'm shooting children or adults. My approach is the same. I try to make the process of having your photograph both fun and relaxed. I always have an awareness that I am asking something great of my subjects.



Thank you dear clients for all your wonderful referrals! This has been a very busy summer here and there are a limited number of appointments available in 2006. There are even less weekend appointments available. The next available weekend date is in October.

The best time to book your maternity session is when you're approximately 25 weeks pregnant. The ideal time to conduct a maternity session is around your 33rd week. Why 33? For starters, at 33 weeks you have a belly TO photograph! At 33 weeks you're still able to move around with relative ease and you're not completely exhausted, yet.

The best time to book your newborn session is also around 33 weeks. When booking a newborn session, a retainer is accepted to reserve an appointment. Babies are unpredictable (even with scheduled c-sections) so, we wait and see. Newborn sessions are conducted during the week and I highly recommend doing them when the baby is 5 days old (or less).



Hi! If you're the Andrew that left me the nicest message about photographing your lovely family I can't call you. For some reason your message got cut off before you left your phone number. I would love to photograph your family and would love to call you back!


Monday, July 31, 2006

Her Mamma is a Celebrity

                                              © 2006 Hadley Spagna Photography

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Around here this sleepy little girl's Mamma is certainly a celebrity. You may have seen her on TV when she was delivering my babies! It was a great privilege to have the opportunity to photograph this gorgeous little girl. Baby T's Mommy, I know you've been reading and waiting for her pictures to be posted on the blog. I'm sorry it's taken so long!

Precious Baby T sure had me fooled! I thought I would be photographing a typical sleepy newborn. Baby T is far from typical and it's obvious the moment you meet her. At five days old she is engaging. For the first hour and a half she didn't show any signs of being sleepy. Finally, after about two hours and one (or two) feedings she finally started to doze!



It was about 15 days after learning I was pregnant with my son to start thinking about nursery decor. Furniture collections, fabric swatches and paint samples swirled around my head like the sweet aroma of cookies baking in the oven. Hey, speaking of sweet aromas, fresh paint is not one of them. If you're concerned about indoor air polution, check out Anna Sova'sHealthy Paint. It's free of the volatile organic compounds that make traditional wall paint so unhealthy and stinky too. Better yet, her colors are to dye (err.. die) for. Although picking a favorite color is tough, I'd say mine is Tibetan Tsi-Tog.



I was a little reluctant to post about how much I loved the Panasonic DMC-FZ7. What happened if one of my clients purchased it and hated it? What if I had the only good version? What if there was a better buy out there? What if I was wrong? Thank you American Photo. Now, I will no longer lose sleep over the camera recommendation. (Okay, I never really lost sleep over it, but I came close two times.) In the July/August edition of American Photo Magazine, the FZ7 was selected as the editor's choice and a Best Buy. I guess that means you'll be taking my recommendations more seriously now. That's great because I know a great children's photographer if you're looking for one...

Sunday, July 09, 2006


**DISCLAIMER: The phonetics of this blog title are misleading**

                                              © 2006 Hadley Spagna Photography

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The decision to title this blog entry, "Nauti-Boys" was difficult. I'm hoping that the disclaimer on this post will get me closer to redemption. These boys are the farthest thing from naughty, but they are very nauti! Their affinity for the beach was obvious. The boys' comfort and ease with the beach and sand (in addition to their absolute cuteness and good looks) created beautiful and fun photographs.

Maybe I see the nautical connection as a result of their matching intarsia whale sweaters. More so I think it's their Mom's strong connection to the beautiful beaches of Amagansett. Is it possible that a love for the ocean can be hereditary?

(On the day of our shoot there was a carnival a short walk away from the beach. After our sandy shoot we strolled over to the carnival. The last two photographs were taken there.)

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Yoga Inspriration

                                              © 2006 Hadley Spagna Photography

Short of over-indulging at Paci in Southport, it takes a lot to motivate me to exercise. Although I do enjoy it (especially spinning), finding the time can be a challenge. Well, shortly after taking a peek at this client's wedding album I was inspired to don my yoga wear and balance my energy.

After their fun and wet (well, wet for me) family session on the beach we headed back to their house. I casually snapped some more images and basked in the glory of knowing I had a CF card filled with beautiful images. I would love to say that the beautiful images were a result of my hard work and raw talent, but really, the images were a result of this family's amazing connection with each other. They're happy, positive and the type of people you want to be around.

Sitting on their couch I saw their wedding album and flipped through the pages. The same beauty and energy I saw in the photographs we created on the beach were in their wedding album. The photographs taken before the wedding were not of an anxious bride. The bride was gorgeous, radiant and at peace (and wearing, by the way, an exquisite gown with the most elegant detailing at the hem). No nerves, no worries, just happiness, bliss. To which I asked, "Weren't you nervous?" My client told me all about her morning that day which included listening to a great CD, making a trip to the beach and practicing yoga. That sealed my fate. Shortly after I arrived home that afternoon I was dusting off my mat and searching for my favorite pair of yoga pants.

This session was a favorite of mine because the photographs we created were the byproduct of this family's beautiful energy. They were so positive, loving and plain ol' fun people to hang out with on a Saturday morning. Any one of the images from this session I would love to put on this blog, or on my website. I had to pick a few, so here are four from that day.

                                              © 2006 Hadley Spagna Photography

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                                              © 2006 Hadley Spagna Photography



Did you know the Crow Marquis Theaters in Wilton, Trumbull, Norwalk, Hartford and Stamford will be hosting a free film festival for children and their caregivers? You can see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Racing Stripes, Because of Winn Dixie, Cheaper by the Dozen 2, Madagascar, Dreamer, Nanny McPhee and Curious George. The festival starts on June 27th and is held on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings at 10 am. Visit the Crown Theaters Website for more details.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day

                                              © 2006 Hadley Spagna Photography

                                              © 2006 Hadley Spagna Photography

Happy Mother's Day!

To start my Mother's Day celebration this year I photographed my children for a change. Here's Jack (almost 5) and Sophia (a fresh 3 - err.. although that is a facet of her personality "fresh" is supposed to mean she just turned three).

The picture of Jack encapsulates his sweet and somewhat reserved personality. The way his hand is perched so close to his face is one of his signature moves. I'm so happy that I was able to capture this moment.

I love this photo of Sophia because it illustrates a side of her I don't see much when I'm behind the camera. In this photo, she is still, contemplative and really looking at me. A typical photo session with Sophia involves a hip thrust (not mine!) and an impish grin.

--- - ---

                                                           © 2006 J.Crew

A question I get asked frequently is, "What should my child wear?" That's when I give my typical answer, "...avoid distracting patterns and logos, try to limit clothing changes for young children and let me in your closets I'd love to pick something out." Well, next time I get asked that question I may just answer with anything from crewcuts.

Saturday was my first opportunity to visit the new crewcuts line at the J.Crew store in downtown Westport. The pint sized attire is for 2-8 year olds and the colors, patterns and logos will photograph beautifully. The best part is that the clothes are at a price point where you won't mind if your child actually plays and gets dirty in this stuff. (There's a good chance someone's going to get dirty on one of my photo sessions.)

You might not hear other photographers telling you this when helping you select your wardrobe for your shoot. But, I'll say it, "Bring on the madras!"

Friday, April 28, 2006

The Prince

                                              © 2006 Hadley Spagna Photography

When this picture was taken the parents of this beautiful boy and I were laughing and having a good time. It was hard to imagine that just five days prior they were welcoming him into the world. We were laughing because Dad suggested what we were doing was ripped from book of "What Not To Do With Your Newborn". What you can't see is that Baby Boy was at end of the bed on the very edge. Thankfully, both Mom and Dad were close by keeping a careful watch over him.

(This is the picture I described in my previous blog entry.)

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Black and white picture taken with the FZ7

                                              © 2006 Hadley Spagna Photography

Here it is! A picture taken with the FZ7. This one is of my dear son who has grown tired of having his picture taken. It was taken in color and converted to black and white in photoshop.

The next blog entry will have the picture that I talked about in my previous blog entry. It's one of my favorite newborn photos from last month.


Sunday, April 02, 2006

Back to business

Originally uploaded by hadleyspagna.
It's great to be back to business after being closed for the past week!

Okay, this is not a picture taken with the Lumix. But, I had to share this one first. I love this photograph because not only is this a beautiful subject, but I love the lighting in this photograph too. The light seems to wrap around her like a soft halo. An angel.

There must have been something in the water in May of 2005 because you guys have been keeping me very busy with newborns lately! Congratulations on the births of your new babies! I'll be posting a favorite photograph of one of my newborns soon. But, first I'll be posting that image taken with the Lumix. I promise!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Referrals Just Got Better! (and a recent session too)

Today referring a friend to Hadley Spagna Photography just got bigger and better! What's bigger? The bonus! What's better? There's a bonus for the referrer and the referree! ) Email me for more details. I can't wait to tell you all about it!!


The picture above is from a recent session that I really enjoyed. (Okay, I enjoy all of them!) I picked this picture out to share with you because it's one of those pictures that is a little deceiving. Yes, the sweet little girl in the picture is as content as she seems. But, did you know that I was balancing on the rim of the bathtub while taking this picture and praying that I didn't fall in the tub? (If you did, please be sure to tell me!) Another reason why I had to share this picture is because it's one of my favorites from the session. This little girl really touched my heart. Just look at those eyes! Don't they just melt you?

Friday, March 03, 2006

Looking for a new camera?

                                              © 2006 Panasonic

If you're in the market for a new camera, this one is worth your consideration. Panasonic just annouced the release of the DMC-FZ7. I recommend this camera to anyone who is looking for a lightweight, high quality, compact camera. Priced under $400 this camera is an over-acheiver. It's packed with features including image stabilizer technology, a 12x optical zoom LEICA (yes, I said LEICA!) lens, an easy mode, advanced mode, pop up flash, a 2.5" LCD display in the back... You stopped reading when I wrote Leica, didn't you? I know, when I heard about this camera I almost fell off of my chair too!

Check back soon, I'll be posting pictures taken with the FZ7 soon!

Simon at dpreview wrote a great review of the FZ7. Although he didn't give it the "highly reccommended" seal of approval, I do. Simon wasn't thrilled with the amount of digital noise this camera produces. I'm not disputing the fact that there is digital noise at iso 100 and higher. When you consider the features of the camera and the price point it's a phenomenal deal. The noise won't be an issue unless you're planning on making enlargements or shooting in low light with no flash. (Hey, isn't that what you hire a professional for?)

Happy shopping! Just a disclaimer, I do not own Panasonic stock. But, if I have convinced you to buy a FZ7 be sure to send me some of your pictures, I can't wait to see them!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Has it really been a month?

                                              © 2006 Hadley Spagna Photography

I was planning on business slowing down after the Holidays. But, if anything I'm busier than ever! Thank you for your patience during the great blog drought of 2006.

The photo above is from one of the commercial projects I worked on this month. This photo was taken for an event designer that really pays attention to details. I was amazed at how she thought of everything, right down to padding the "candy shop" (that her crew made) so guests would have a comfortable place to rest their elbows.



My clients usually buy all the photos from their sessions. It's a great feeling to know that my clients love all their photos! After they've purchased them all, the next question I get is, "What do I do with all of them now?" Well, as some of my clients already know this year I'm offering traditional photo albums and coffee table style albums for smaller prints. But, how to you hang the larger ones?

I was browsing through Potterybarn's website and found a great page on how to turn an empty wall into a photo gallery. It's got four different layout ideas and printable templates to help you hang your photos on your wall.



Hadley Spagna Photography will be closed from March 23-30th. All phone calls and emails received during that period will be received after March 31st.



Did you see my new website yet? I've been working on getting that launched all month. Hmm.. maybe that's why this blog post is so late! There are more changes to come and lots more photos that will be added. Check back soon.



Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the amazing referrals! I'm so touched by how many of my new clients are booking an appointment because of referrals from friends and family. I appreciate your kind words and all your support!

Sunday, January 29, 2006

A SNIP in a Snap!

                                              © 2006 Snip


Before we started going to Snip when Jack heard the news that it was haircut day he would go though the five stages of grief.

1. Denial

"No! I'm NOT going to get my hair cut"

2. Anger

(insert bone shaking shrieks here)
Jack collapses, kicks his feet, and runs out of the room screaming he doesn't like to get his hair cut.

3. Bargaining

"How about we go to the ice cream store today and do a hair cut next week?"

4. Depression

Nothing to type because Jack has stopped talking to me at this stage and is no longer in the room.

5. Acceptance

Okay. Well, Jack went through four stages of grief. I don't think he accepted his hair cuts even after they were over!

Jack grieves no more! Thanks to Mitch and Jordan at Snip.

Now when I tell Jack it's time to get a hair cut he gleefully asks if we're going to the place with the TV and the car. Getting him in the car no longer involves any crying or collapsing. Once we get there Jack eagerly hops into the Mercedes convertible while Sophia runs over to the four foot long aquarium. During the haircut Sophia goes from the aquarium to the basketball game to the kid sized table covered in coloring books and crayons. Jordan and Mitch's laid back and relaxed personalities make the atmosphere and my experience the same. Haircut, relaxing? Yes, I said it!

For more information on Snip contact Mitch or Jordan at 203-255-6660 or visit their website at:



                                              © 2006 Hadley Spagna Photography

If you haven't made it down there yet, you've got two more days to see my display in Borders. For everyone who can't make it I included the photo above so you can get a sneak peek.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Busted! That was us on the Baby Story

After the recent airing of our episode of The Baby Story I got lots of emails asking if that was us. I guess I can't sneak that one by.

Sophia Grace's birth story was featured on TLC's A Baby Story. The episode is almost three years old now and occasionally will come back on the air.

One of the questions I get asked most frequently is, "How was the experience doing the show?" The experience of filming the Baby Story was really fun and even a little challenging. One of the best parts was seeing how the show worked behind the scenes. It definitely would not have been a great experience with out the incredible producer who worked on our show. Not only can she put a great show together (she's an Emmy winner!) but she is so warm and friendly. Because of her great personality I felt totally at ease and she helped make filming the show a great experience. The challenging part was cooking a spaghetti and meatball dinner for 12 people when I was 8 months pregnant. You won't see 12 people on that segment of the show. That's because I fed the crew too!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Pee Pee Tee Pee

                                              © 2006

Nope, that's not just a catchy title. It really exists. A pee pee tee pee. Where was that 5 years ago? That would have come in handy on a couple of occasions! This looks like a perfect "shower" gift.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

A more than decent meal for kids (and parents too)!

                                                © 2006 Southport Brewing Company

When I eat out with my children usually someone loses. My kids prefer restaurants equipped with a playland. I prefer restaurants equipped with a wine list. Almost always our dining out experience involves an unhappy party. Neil and I find that eating at restaurants (if you will) that have indoor slides and ball pits leave something to be desired. Jack and Sophia find that eating at restaurants with dim lighting and too many menus are a fate worse than a 17 hour marathon time out. There is ONE place where we can eat and everyone wins: Southport Brewing Company

Their secret is the Kids Menu. The kids menu comes with a fruit cup, vegetables, fries or mashed potatoes, a juice box, dessert AND a little toy too. Yes, there are chicken fingers, macaroni & cheese, pizza and grilled cheese sandwiches on the kids menu. But, if you can get your kids to eat salmon that too is on the kids menu (for under $8.00 I might add). The kids menu also has grilled boneless chicken breast and fish sticks (in total 9 different things to choose from). Oh, and if you're eating with an infant you can get a box of Cheerios for the wee one. Not bad eh? I'm convinced the person who came up with the Kids Menu at SBC has lived with children at some point in time (perhaps they have one or two of their own?). I truly appreciate this kids menu, it can't be beat.

(okay, you're not going to find a ball pit there, but there is some really neat brewery stuff for the kids to admire)

Bon Appetit!


Why not devote this entire post to food? The Walter's Post was so successful (I loved reading your emails!) that I thought I would do a Walter's Dog Epilogue.

Shortly after the Walter's post was written I had to be in the city for a shoot so I stopped by Walter's on the way home.

Yum Walter's Mustard!
                                                © 2006 Hadley Spagna Photography

Here's a picture of the line experience: (YES there was a line at the end of December in 40 degree weather at 3:30 PM on a weekday - a 20 minute line!)
                                                © 2006 Hadley Spagna Photography

I forgot to mention in the other post that if you like to put chili, cheese, french fries, sauerkraut, or any other hot dog garnish on your dog, you're better be prepared: You can get mustard, ketchup or both at Walter's. That's it.
                                                © 2006 Hadley Spagna Photography

Thank you to the kind blog reader who reminded me that I never discussed the location of Walter's in my previous blog post. Walter's is located at 937 Palmer Avenue in Mamaroneck, NY. :)

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Great things are in store for 2006 - Happy New Year!

                                              © 2006 Hadley Spagna Photography

Happy New Year!

Is it me or did the Holidays FLY by this year? When I started to think about this blog entry (dedicated to the New Year and the Holiday season that flew by) I knew exactly which picture to post.

When a photographer goes on location to a new client they never know what they're going to get. That's another one of the reasons why I love my job (keeps me on my toes). When I got a call from this great couple I mentally prepared for lack of light. It's not uncommon to have a Manhattan apartment with blah lighting. When I showed up for this session I was prepared for blah. I had studio lighting equipment, stands, reflectors, the whole she-bang. Their amazing apartment had so much natural light that I didn't know what to do with it all! A pleasant surprise! If only it was summertime I would have conducted the session on their enormous terrace (and I would have surely scored some peppers and parsley from their garden) ((yes guys that was directed at you and was designed to be a slightly more than subtle hint))

This couple's picture was selected for this post because they're starting their New Year with a New Baby Boy. I photographed him at 15 days old. He's very mature for 15 days and I swear he has the eyesight and attention span of a 5 week old! He's even on a schedule! Just wait until you see him!

Hey, great things are in store for you too in 2006

For starters, ordering photographs online is even easier than it was in 2005. Not only is my online ordering system even easier to use, but it's packed with so many great features! Now you can send your friends and family email-postcards with one of the photographs from your session. There's also a private message board for friends and family that view your gallery to communicate with each other. Or if you're having trouble deciding which pictures to order you can add them to your "favorites" and save your selections to order them at another time. I can't wait for you guys to see the improved gallery. The new gallery knocks the socks off of the old gallery.

Having trouble deciding which pictures to select from your gallery?

Get them all! Last year so many of my clients had trouble selecting which photographs to order. So, this year, I've added some packages where you can get one of everything! Also new this year is a special mini-session created specifically for my repeat clients that want multiple sessions per year.

You can't use framing and frugal in the same sentence.

Another exciting change for 2006 is a partnership I've formed with a local framer. Framing can be expensive. Especially when you're framing 15 photographs at the same time. So, I've negotiated a special deal exclusively for my clients to help reduce framing costs.