Monday, November 20, 2006

Happy Birthday Blog!

                                              © 2006 Hadley Spagna Photography

                                              © 2006 Hadley Spagna Photography


Can you believe this blog is a year old already? Where does the time go?

Wow, what a busy season it has been! All those referrals are keeping my phone ringing and calendar full. THank you! I'll never neglect my clients, but I will neglect my blog. That's why you haven't heard from me in a while. My clients come first.

Your emails have been amazing. I had no idea so many people read this blog! As a result, I'm now feeling tremendous pressure to be witty and entertaining and am fearful of falling short. In fact, I've put so much pressure on myself to come up with a fantastic blog post, that for the longest time, I couldn't think of anything.

Celebrating this blogs First Birthday should involve a present, right? I'm having a tough time coming up with a witty and entertaining blog post, right? ::lightbulb illuminates over head:: Why not give away a birthday present to the person who can come up with a witty and entertaining blog post for me?

Yep, that's right. Write my next blog entry and get a birthday present!

What kind of present?

The new, adorable, portable iPod Shuffle? I want one!

                                              © 2006 Apple

Here're the nitty gritty details:

Who: You (you can be anyone who is reading this and can type a witty and entertaining blog entry)
What: A BRAND-E NEW Apple iPod Shuffle (love it!) shipped to you
When: Your blog post must be sent to me by 12/10/06. (Entries with photos get bonus points) It will be uploaded to my blog in December of 2006. The present receiver will be notified by 12/15/06.
Why: I'm not feeling witty and entertaining right now.
How: Send me your post via email

Do you have any questions? Send me an email.


Did you notice those adorable children at the top of this post? This family is so warm and welcoming. Somehow, (osmosis?) their home has the same qualities. As soon as I entered their home, I immediately felt like I had been there before. M felt like an old friend instantly. I could have stayed all day with this family (in fact, come to think about it, I did stay for snack time). Thank you dear M, for such a wonderful session!