Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Busted! That was us on the Baby Story

After the recent airing of our episode of The Baby Story I got lots of emails asking if that was us. I guess I can't sneak that one by.

Sophia Grace's birth story was featured on TLC's A Baby Story. The episode is almost three years old now and occasionally will come back on the air.

One of the questions I get asked most frequently is, "How was the experience doing the show?" The experience of filming the Baby Story was really fun and even a little challenging. One of the best parts was seeing how the show worked behind the scenes. It definitely would not have been a great experience with out the incredible producer who worked on our show. Not only can she put a great show together (she's an Emmy winner!) but she is so warm and friendly. Because of her great personality I felt totally at ease and she helped make filming the show a great experience. The challenging part was cooking a spaghetti and meatball dinner for 12 people when I was 8 months pregnant. You won't see 12 people on that segment of the show. That's because I fed the crew too!


Anonymous said...

That was a fun experience and I remember that dinner very well. It was one of your all time best pots of sauce!

Hadley said...

Thanks Mom! (Mom's on the show too!)