Thursday, December 15, 2005

What are we going to do with out Mr. Scribbles for the next three weeks??

                                                          image © 2005 Creative Castle

By the time my first born (and only) son was 20 months old I had two children. There were lots of diapers, bottles and sleepless nights in those early weeks. When the kids got older there were also lots of baby-and-me classes... yoga, art, swimming, music and gymnastics to name a few. I came to realize they were all a different variation of the same theme.

Not too long ago I was driving down the Post Road. I saw a bright yellow sign that read, Creative Castle.  I drove by that canary colored sign for weeks before I finally decided to drop in. A primary colored staircase led me up to the second floor where I was greeted by the founder Holly. Everywhere I looked I could see framed works of art from not-yet-famous little artists. After a short and pleasant conversation with Holly, I signed Sophia up for a semester at the Creative Castle.

                                                    image © 2005 Hadley Spagna Photography

I expected the standard mommy-and-me fare. A couple of choreographed songs, some sort of motor skill building activity and that would be the end of class. After the first class at the Creative Castle I was sorry I didn't sign Jack up too. The classes there are actually different. It's obvious that heart, soul and lots of thought, time and energy has been invested in the program. Every detail from the snacks to the moldings around the doors has been scrutinized. In one class Sophia has the opportunity to paint, glue, cut, mold, sing, dance, play, color or whatever (within reason) her heart desires. All without being rushed, with no pressure and no "right" way to do things.

I'm sure Holly, Martin and Amy all need a break. It's obvious they work hard. I understand. But, still, what am I going to do for the next three weeks? EVERY DAY (no kidding) Sophia talks about the Castle. She wants to go there and see Ms. Amy and Mr. Scribbles. She's talked so much about it that Jack is now asks to go to the Creative Castle (and he's never been inside the front door!)

To tide us over for the next three weeks I suppose I'll have to conduct the Artistic Abode.

PS Don't worry about Jack. He's signed up for the winter semester too.

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