Monday, December 05, 2005

I've got the coolest job

I love my job. Everyday I wake up I either have a new concept for a photograph or am thinking about creative ways to work on photographs in post-production. It's borderline obsessive. Well, maybe not exactly borderline. Probably more like slightly over the line. Sometimes it's obtrusive because I should be thinking about what to make for dinner, or that I have library books to return.

Recently, a client told me that this picture of his son will "define his childhood" when he's older.

That is the kind of moment I live for. It makes the $27.00 late fees that I've incurred totally worth it.


Anonymous said...

Hadley, I love your BLOG. I check back every day or so. This is a great photo what an amazing comment the dad made! The pictures you take have an indubitable impact on preserving people's memories. What a complete joy it must be to leave that kind of lasting imprint!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

great child photos

Hadley said...

Mikhail - What a compliment. Thank you! I visited your site and love your work.

Nina - Thank you so much!

Annony - Thank you! Yes, I love it when I hear great things about my work! Thanks for stopping by!