Monday, November 14, 2005


Welcome to the premier issue of my new photoblog!

This is a blog you'll want to bookmark! Here you'll find all kinds of interesting information, not just photography stuff. I've got a recipe for goop that I 'll be posting soon so you'll have something to do during the dark afternoons of winter. The atmosphere here is upbeat and fun (much like my sessions!).

Keep checking in often because I might even post special invitations for my clients. For example, book your 2006 session before December 31, 2005 and get my 2005 prices! Yeah, and I may just sneak it in like that so you have to read ALL the words.

You won't be hearing just from me though. My blog partner Lauren will be helping me out (and already has helped so much!).

Lauren and I encourage you to write in with your own ideas, stories, pictures, recipes, whatever! Send us the latest news, your favorite images... Your favorite restaurant! If you’re a fellow photographer, I want to hear from you too. Send your favorite images or tell us about your latest award. Maybe we’ll dedicate a post to you!

So stop by often and dish!

The face of Hadley Spagna Photography

The cutie you see here is my daughter Sophia. This picture is what inspired my Eye-Catching Photography campaign.


Unknown said...

hey there! that's one beautiful baby and your blog is pretty cool too! Looking forward to what's to come. =) said...

wanna buy a rashguard? just kidding..but when i had comments turned on my site..i got lots of sleazy comments...

Unknown said...

ha! You're right nina. You can't be too careful. Your knit work is lovely! Thanks for stopping by hadley's photoblog.

Hadley said...

Hi Nina!

Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog! I hope you come back and visit often. I love to hear from my readers!

Hadley said...

Hi laurenbove!

Thank you for visiting my blog! I like your name! :)