Wednesday, August 23, 2006

There's only one thing better than a shoot in my client's home...

                                              © 2006 Hadley Spagna Photography

                                              © 2006 Hadley Spagna Photography

                                              © 2006 Hadley Spagna Photography

                                              © 2006 Hadley Spagna Photography

... it's a shoot in my client's summer home!

Traveling to this family's summer home in East Hampton was a breeze, but the photos from our shoot would have been worth the worst traffic that Route 27 could muster.

It was an early Saturday morning, and just us girls, Baby Girl, Mom, Grandma and Me. Shortly after I arrived I learned that our sweet little subject had a very early start to her day and had fallen back to sleep. I can't tell you how many babies get so excited for their big day that they decide to wake up at 4:30 in the morning! It was a wonderful opportunity to get to know Mom and Grandma a little better over a delicious cup of coffee.

Later, Mom led a tour of the home and our last room was Baby's. She woke up happy and was not concerned about having me in her room. Baby's sweet laid back and relaxed attitude coupled with her incredible good looks yielded some of my favorite photographs from this summer. Doesn't she look like a Gerber Baby? (Gerber, if you're reading this contact me and I'll pass your information along to her Mom. You don't want to let this one go!)

Here's what this Mom had to say after receiving her photographs:

"The photos came today!! They are UNBELIEVABLE!!!! Thank you so, so, so, so much! I can’t express just how happy we are with these photos. They brought tears to my eyes. You did an amazing job. I have already emailed ALL my friends with new babies, telling them they HAVE TO hire you. ... The 11x16 came out so beautiful I am handling it like it’s a Faberge egg – I don’t even know how to frame it. I know my mother is going to DIE when she gets her order – I am waiting for the day!
I look forward to many more photo sessions with you as [Baby] grows – you have spoiled us with your unique talent. I am so happy I found you!!"

I really liked this client before she wrote this email, but now I adore her! I love emails like this! I save them and re-read them when I'm doing a marathon proofing session.


Since we're on the topic of shooting in my clients' homes, I've been asked a lot lately why I love working in a home environment. Photographing people in their environment is the foundation of a successful shoot. No matter what your age, having your photograph taken is not always easy. Like a conversation, it is an exchange. Sometimes, the subject can feel vulnerable. As a subject, you can't see what the photographer sees. You're on the spot. Sheesh, even the name subject treats you like an outside party to the process. Any wrong move, and forever more it is captured on digital sensor (unless your photographer shoots film).

Working in my clients homes levels the playing field. My subjects are on their own turf. They've got an advantage. It gives them back some control. Allows them to be knowledgeable and most importantly comfortable. As a matter of fact, the last two clients that I talked out of doing beach shots had the most amazing homes and I loved the photographs from their sessions.

Children do not have the same exact concerns as adults (Did she capture my good side? I hope I didn't crinkle my eyes up too much...). However, they do have an awareness that someone is asking something great from them (sit still) and in return their only reward is the process. (well, their parents get photographs, but when have you heard of a 2 year old that really cares about finally get a decent picture of himself). It doesn't matter if I'm shooting children or adults. My approach is the same. I try to make the process of having your photograph both fun and relaxed. I always have an awareness that I am asking something great of my subjects.



Thank you dear clients for all your wonderful referrals! This has been a very busy summer here and there are a limited number of appointments available in 2006. There are even less weekend appointments available. The next available weekend date is in October.

The best time to book your maternity session is when you're approximately 25 weeks pregnant. The ideal time to conduct a maternity session is around your 33rd week. Why 33? For starters, at 33 weeks you have a belly TO photograph! At 33 weeks you're still able to move around with relative ease and you're not completely exhausted, yet.

The best time to book your newborn session is also around 33 weeks. When booking a newborn session, a retainer is accepted to reserve an appointment. Babies are unpredictable (even with scheduled c-sections) so, we wait and see. Newborn sessions are conducted during the week and I highly recommend doing them when the baby is 5 days old (or less).



Hi! If you're the Andrew that left me the nicest message about photographing your lovely family I can't call you. For some reason your message got cut off before you left your phone number. I would love to photograph your family and would love to call you back!
